Busy year with a rough Raid start
By Specialist_AKA_SpecsLong start to the new year for this pirate. I have been busy, and I am falling behind, and for that, I apologize to my readers. This article will discuss the update today. I will go over my progress on the Vindicator fleet I am putting together. I will also discuss the raid and how the refits are going for my fleets. So let us begin!
Where have I been?
I am going to be busy the next month. I took on a project that is two months long, and it is sucking a lot of my time I had set aside for the blog before this commitment. The project will be finished in about four weeks, and then I can get back to writing at least two articles a week and progressing with the game.
Raid Update:
We got a kick in the teeth from the belief by the powers that be that we would all have the newer gear released shortly after Christmas and a couple of weeks before the raid. So I know that the raid was tough at the start for everyone. Lucky for those that built the Centurions with the PAC they lowered the health in the T4 targets Saturday morning and grinding could be done with good driving. Many of those I help that typically could get 30 million on their own still struggled to get to 15 million due to the start and time frame left after the change was made. I still think that if you did not get the Mauser, you are better served to go with the Arbalest for T4 and Centurions going forward. You are going to want to try to get the Cannoneer if you did not get te Ironclad they are still the best ships for this format.
My main issue with the raid, it was the first time in a year that the weapon was the most important part of being successful. They got away from that for a time (it used to be that you always took the weapon because it was the way forward) and the hull was most important. The reverting to needing the weapon caught many of us by surprise. So much so that for the second time I was unable to be properly prepared without spending over my budget.
Another option for those ,that have a Zelos built and a blank is to refit the new Forsaken gun and special. That will put you in line with the Ironclad at a minimum for the raid. Which will help you do T4 for relatively cheap or free, I am not sure if they will do T5 because the increase in health was pretty steep for that set. But, it is an excellent cannon and special for generalist hulls, and if you get, it would not be a bad idea to give your Zelos a boost and make it useful.
The last raid was the most expensive for me since the last Scourge. Overall I loved the idea behind the targets. I did find them stale after Saturday grinding away, but that is to be expected with the time needed and points required to gain the prizes.
Vindicator update.
I have a couple more to refit with crossbow 3. They are ranked finally and at Foundry level 4. I have not gone beyond that as I think that is an easy place for most to get to if they are fresh to the game. The tech on them is what you can find in T3 or lower of the Forsaken mission, Campaigns, and research lab. I am using an Aegis to help with resistance and dealing with the Wendigo in the targets. That one turret is a pain for this fleet.
With two of them, I can make it half way through the target, so I think with four and the Aegis the target can be done with sub par technology.
I am not putting many coins into this fleet, for the simple fact that we will get a change of these targets in the next two months.
My advice to all of my 0 coining players is to get Centurions at least and make their way to the Cannoneer and the Millenium gun. I know that this will not be helpful to new players and that is why with the next raid I will test this vindicator build in the T3 targets. That will give us a good indication if they can be a bridge to the foundry when targets change.
This weeks Update
Hellwraith will be available in the foundry! That is a great thing for players that could not get that wonderful sub-prior. Of course, people are complaining the new Reaver Armada are hard, and they are taking more damage. So this might not be a good thing for some, but it is an excellent progression made for this line in the Foundry.
You can get the Hellwraith by hitting the level 102 Reaver Armada, and it will take quite a bit of time to get them.
- 192 Tier 5 Skirmish Fragments
- 4 Hellwraith Fragments
- Pieces can be found in the level 102 Reaver Armada.
- Tiger Shark
- Mimicus System
- Sealed Fire Charges
That list explains why the items were added to the Forsaken mission.
Heavy Metal TLC
Mega owners will get a new campaign. This TLC will give us 75K Titanium, three metal alloy, and four advance systems. That means that if you own a mega, get ready to get hitting others you can get some new alloys and advanced systems.
The targets are not known yet, but from the notes and the target type Assault, I am hoping it is using our Apollo to gain the prizes.
New Rogue Crew
Probably the most exciting for me personally out of this update is the Rogue TLC and the new crew for base parts.
Scavenger Scoundrels will allow the player to gain 100% more base parts! That crew will be a significant help to those still getting their turrets to level 7.
With the Conquerer level 6 hulls coming in February raid event, this crew will be very useful, and I hope we can win it with rolling shortly.
Irradiated Cutthroat to work again
The most critical bug fixed in my opinion was getting the Cutthroat crew to work with the new reavers. That was a thorn in the side of players since the new Reavers were released and having that fixed will help those of us with a dozen of these crews gain our Uranium.
Edit to add: This crew will only be available at this time through the TLC. So, players can get two of them to start. Use them wisely, while not as helpful as being in the roll, it can help get a few turrets up to level 7 at least.
That wraps up this week's updates!
Have a great week everyone!