Sunday, May 29, 2016

Specs thought on base defense and the revenge

Many are wondering how to stop the Revenge. This hull is a beast, and if built right there is not much that can stop it. I have seen people that are not base hitters become base hitters with one of these built correctly. Give them 3 and there are very few bases that can stand up to them. They have their weakness, though, and if you are concerned with your base and defending against others, you will have to modify your defense to stop them.
Weakness of the Revenge Hull
First, they do have weaknesses, and it is apparent if you look at the blueprint. The first is the bloodthirst ability. To get it fully active, you need 20 buildings/ships destroyed to build that meter. Once done it gives them more deflection and even concussive, corrosive and radiation deflection of 750.  So, your first line of defense is to starve the attacking fleet from buildings/ships to build up their meter. You do this by doing three things.
1)    Remove your resource buildings. You do not need them resources are plentiful, and you can fill up very easy. Unless it was changed, you do not need the resources buildings to upgrade warehouses. So, once you get the amount built you want, you do not need these buildings at all.
2)    Just put 25% on the entrance and rest of your research/warehouse/turrets deep enough inside to keep from being sniped as they go around the edge. Taking care, to not give retargeting lines of sight to other areas of the base. Even this fast moving base hitter will take almost 2 minutes to get around a base and hit all the buildings on the outer edge.
3)    Upgrade walls to level 8 and stands to level 7. Yes, it takes time, yes the walls are annoying, but those two things are needed.
Guard Fleet
With those basics covered we have to look at your guard fleet. Now remember when we stated that the Revenge is weak against three damage types? Your guard should incorporate those into their build out. The best weapon to use at this moment in defense is the Gatling Gun. Why? Because even at the secondary weapon range of 104 you will be doing damage to them while they try to chew through those walls. Your base defense layout with five layers of level 8 walls between your defense fleet and the attacking fleet.  Next best is tiger sharks with Cobra scatterguns if built right this single ship can wreck a full fleet of revenge in 90 seconds. Worse case they have to wait for that time to launch a rocket, and if you are online, you can drive the tiger shark to make it harder for them to target it.  The last one is the Enforcer with D98-U. This range just about matches the Gatling, and if placed right you could start firing as they get into range. There is tiny wiggle room for them to out range this hull and weapon.
Possible Guard Configurations

Yes, those are pretty high up on the technological tree of things to get. Unfortunately, I have not had luck stopping the Revenge or even damaging it with researchable technology.
Outpost and 25% Bubble
For starters, you would want fire support 2 and at least the defense module on the Outpost. Outpost 8 has lots of health and some built in resistances. So you will need to take that health into consideration when determining your 25% bubble. Best bet is to get the Outpost to level 8 and then take a warehouse to level 14. There is a base damage calculator out there, and you can find it by googling it. BP professor did it, and a great time saver, and can save you from figuring out that 25% bubble on your own.
Importance of Turrets
Of course, it goes without saying that you want your turrets to be along the same line as your defense fleet. I have quite a few Apoc (not as many as some, but I do have quite a few). The Executioner is an excellent alternative to using. It has good range, and with 100% bypass, it can deliver more damage than the Dead Eye executioner. Also with level 6 stands you can boost the damage potential of this weapon to get past the Deflection stat on the revenge easy. 6 to 8 of these can peck away at the Revenge as it travels to the outpost. Apoc is good for psychological reasons, but I have sat under 10 Apoc and barely noticed them. However, eight executioners did a bit more damage. You can put Smart warheads on them to boost range and damage. Having the second special open, the frontline Z platform that gives 30% resistance and 10% reload. Smart warheads are in the weekly, and the Frontline Z is available in the draconian bases. I realize not everyone has these specials, so you could go with Thermal Casing (research special to increase damage) and Scramjet (Research special to increase range).
The Turrets that need Level 7 stands ASAP are Basilisk and Draconia Scattergun. These two turrets at 105 range will fire first and if behind plenty of walls, five deep is recommended) they will get plenty of shots off as the revenge comes into range and then tries to get by them. Basilisk was in the weekly, and if you got them, you should be putting them in and getting your stands up. The scattergun was a limited version that has not been back, so I now many will not have it but if it comes back do what you can to get it. They go great with the Hydroxide coated barrels that give a 30% boost to corrosive damage types; that was also in the weekly. Unfortunately, there is not a single piece of researchable technology that can help boost their damage or reload rate. Even the frontline platform Z does not boost the reload.
The last turret is another Limited and is the Glacial turret. This thing is great if you can get it to cover a nice sharp turn, it slows them down nicely to give your turrets and ships more time to hit them before getting by ship and turrets. It is radioactive does high damage and alone can take off 15% or so from a fleet correctly placed.

All of these coupled with a good layout can at least make your base unappealing to those looking to hit. The good news is that as of this time we have not gotten many specials or armors to boost the resistances to two of the three damage types listed. So, these changes to your base with Corrosive and Concussive damage should help you stay current in base defense for a bit longer than normal. While you might not have it all at this point, and you are probably working on it at this time. Hopefully, you keep these in mind the next time a super base hitting hull comes out.  Unless Kixeye makes drastic changes in putting out concussive and corrosive resistance to adding in outside of natural hull defenses. The thought process of comprising your base defense fleet and turrets of these is solid decisions that could help you from having to play catch up every six months. I am in the process of making these changes myself, while those building the revenge are changing and overcoming earlier failures. We must change and overcome the failures we see as well if you wish to protect your base.

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