Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Ask Specs Anything October 19, 2016

FM or Raid? the timeless question

by Specs

This week we have one question that does involve build advice. It concerns building for Forsaken mission or raids.

Slacker said:

I have an ask Specs question: Will next month's raid be the same as this months? I ask because I built HW's to do the 30/50/70 reaver armadas then did some refitting to Charon torps and diff armor after last month's raid and now this month I need my twisters back and diff armor again. Should I refit back to twisters and X armor? Or will next month be a different target set again? Or maybe I should build Citadels? Or maybe I should build some base hitters? Or maybe I should build some defense ships? It would be nice if the REDUCTION of ship build time was brought to the table again. I mean BIG TIME reduction, not this measly 4 percent.  I won a Harlock Citadel and the build time on that alone is RIDICULOUS. Thanks, Specs.

Dear Slacker,

I cannot answer that question as they have not told us what next month will be. I will inform you that if you read the article and take a look at the Hellwraith build, I am using this raid and try to match that you will be in a right spot. Go with the Twisters and D1-X or D2-X depending on what you have available is what I would do.

While the Citadels are nice for the FM, if you are already getting to T4 or T5 without them, I would not worry just yet and get your raid fleet together. If you are not going with this least T4 in the FM twice a week, then I would get that FM fleet built as those tokens in T4 help non-coiners get their builds done in a timely fashion. I tell everyone to prioritize FM over raids for this reason, so not sure where you are game wise but the FM should be your first concern.

What next month brings, though, will depend on to a great part how this one goes. If the players enjoyed it and participation is up compared to last month. I think we have a good chance to see this similar raid targets next raid with some tweaks.

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