Friday, October 28, 2016

Level 60 Draconian Mining Base change and you

A practical look at the changes to the level 60 Draconian Mines

by Specialist_AKA_Specs

This week Battle Pirates changed the level 60 mining bases to bring their damage more in line with the parts they gave out. These targets were instant repair for almost every siege fleet. Now players are reporting substantially more damage. Without knowing the builds, they are using, how they are driving, or are they auto hitting the targets. I do not have my vindicators to crusaders, so I had to use Punisher. My Punisher fleet is still not refitted from the 107 FM target.

Upset is an understatement

Players are rightfully angry at the sudden change. These targets were a free repair. We were told that a change would be coming months ago when they changed them the first time. That knowledge does nothing to take the sting out of having something you were doing all day for no real consequence taken away with what many players felt was faulty reasoning. The change is here, though, and we have to find a way to deal with that. The target pays out 23,000 base parts. These parts are only useable to refit your buildings in the base. So you can add modules, armor, specials and turret weapons to buildings and stands. Each base part equals one second of time reduction so that means a single 60 will get you a savings of 6 hours. If you deduct your repair time, you will get the amount that you have profited by doing this part of the game. You do not have to coin these repairs to realize the benefit for trading repair time for build time reduction. You will see in my videos that I am trading 30 minutes of repair time (I can speed repair the last 5 minutes for free) for Six hours or reduction to fitting armors to my turret stands. That, in my opinion, is a great trade off, yes your mileage may vary.

As far as this target goes, it is mostly Ballistic damage with some Radiation damage tossed in. The Radiation damage mostly comes from a Wendigo type target. From memory, this one turret caused most of my damage to my Crusader fleet when I had it going. So, I would always run with an Aegis or Frostburn to negate it almost fully. I am not 100% sure yet if I will build two vindicator and 2 crusader to attempt these targets. I will share the builds I have in mind so that my readers can determine if they are able to make the change. The videos today will show me driving 3 Punishers and Frostburn in the first one. The second video will be Frostburn and Punisher. The last video is just a single Punisher. The build will be at the end of this article. You will notice that my build is not even remotely optimize for these targets, yet my punisher fleet can do them for 32 to 34 minutes of damage.


Punisher Build for the video

Huggy Link to Vindicator and Crusader build!405C01P1P1P092U332525252525252506G01V1V1V1W332U6A6P2C2C2323232323230ZZ0ZZ0ZZdB

I would build no more than 2 of each of those, though, you do not need more than that. To do the targets in question and it will lower your repair time. Of course, you could do 4 of each and then run them until dead and repair them all at one time after you do as many targets as you can fit in.

I hope that you find this educational and helpful in navigating these changes. 

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