Wednesday, December 7, 2016

With massive update comes big questions for non-coiners

What is the next Step?

By Specialist_Aka_Specs

We had a monster of an Update on Tuesday, December 6, 2016, and with it lots of questions for players. Upgrading the base is going to be quicker for most of the newer and mid-level players. How to best navigate this change is going to be the largest hurdle to those that are still struggling to finish Forsaken Mission fleets, get their raid fleets going and we are not even discussing when to build that defense fleet or base hitting the fleet. So how should a non-coiner consider the approach to this change?

Do not rush

I know the excitement will be there just to get to OP 9 and while the extras are extremely tempting, you should not rush out and just do it. Take the time and gather base parts so that you can get those turrets and warehouses up to max level. The developers gave us a huge benefit to allowing the use of base parts at every level of play up to the Outpost 9 items just released. So, take that! We can still equip later on when the Outpost is upgrading. Taking this path means you need a fleet to gather base parts.

Base Part fleet

Centurion fleet for a student to show them a different way

After you get a fleet to do the Forsaken mission to at least tier 4, your next fleet should be a base part gathering fleet. The beauty of this priority change is that the next raid series will require said base part gathering fleet. The December raid is about a week away; I made recommendations for non-coiners and mid-level players that might not be able to get the new stuff next week to take the Centurion. I am 90% confident that the Centurion will be offered in the raid for a low cost, like all other raids since they made the change have been. You might be able to get the fleet I recommended last week for about 3 million to 5 million raid points. We will know more of course next week, but keep it in mind that a Centurion fleet will get you base parts. With your forsaken missions bringing you Tier 4 twice a week that will get you six days of ship build tokens each month. With your base part gathering fleet you will be able to get your base up to level 8 Outpost, level 7 stands, level 14 warehouses in no time. Following this path will allow you to make that jump to Outpost 9?

Outpost 9 and beyond

I know what you are saying right now; you are saying “But specs that is going to take me so long that by the time I get to this point we will have Outpost 10”. That's a fair thought, and my explanation is as follows; If you follow the advice to upgrade everything to level 8 outposts and max items for warehouse and turrets.The four Warehouses at level 14 will get you close to 10 days off each upgrade and equip on your base.  With a centurion fleet, you can get 600K each time before repairing while at work, school, or just life in general. You will spend about an hour or so hitting the targets and then walk away for about 6 hours. Take a moment to organize your gameplay vs. life and make sure to take on just enough parts to start your upgrades (do not equip yet we can do that while the Outpost is upgrading) and gather enough for the next one. If you play a couple of hours a day, you could theoretically be doing a turret every day, and in a few weeks, you are done with the 20 turrets, four warehouses and outpost 8. I know the next issue is resources right?

How to get resources fast

There is a trick to getting resources quickly it requires that you have the snowfall campaign still available. You can take rhinos and a tank into the first target and get 26 million of each resource if your fleet can hold 109 million total at 500%. That means that to go from 0 to 260 million of each resource is ten hits on auto to start anything you need. The same rhino/tank fleet can be used to get the uranium you need for your upgrades. The another option is a bit more likely to get you hit, but you can go to bases that have their warehouses on the outside and get the resources that way. For Uranium. You can sometimes get your alliance (if they are helpful) to prep them down to one ship so that you can kill it and get the Uranium.

Yes. That means that you will have quite a few other things to do than log in and talk with friends. But we are playing a game right?


Do not rush this stage of the game. Make sure your Forsaken mission fleet is good for Tier 4 at the minimum, then start your base part collecting fleet. That fleet should be at minimum Centurions, and the raid should have it available next week if you do not have it yet. After that take the time to upgrade everything to level 8 outpost and then start your level 9 outpost so that you can equip turrets on level 7 stands while that is upgrading. If you follow those simple steps, you can get the most out of this change and be ready to rock that Faction choice correctly.


  1. This is so helpful. I wish if you can show us what best fleet builds for each type of targets in the game. Like, armada with what ship and alternative if some dont have it. And so for mines target and others.

    1. I can write those up, the armada are changing here soon so as soon as I see the final product I will be able to produce the builds I will use for them. Most of the time I will offer the best build for that part of the game in my opinion. For example, the Centurion for siege targets at this time is the best for those that are non-coiners and might struggle with this raid cycle.

      You can get the centurion through the foundry and with the hull raid it should be there as well. My next goal for an article will be to show a lower alternative to the siege targets so that those just starting and unable to get Centurion right now can at least progress through the Foundry. That will be a couple weeks though due to the holiday and Christmas.

  2. do you have a link to dhippo for the fleet build of the centurian with the omega?

    1. Here you go!B06L00000000000000055000000004M00000000000007401V1V1W0000386A6P392U2C2C2C2C2C2C0000232307401V1V1W0000386A6P392U2C2C2C2C2C2C0000232307401V1V1W0000386A6P392U2C2C2C2C2C2C000023230ZZdC
