Monday, December 5, 2016

Change for change sake is bad

Change that is done purposefully and with a plan is good

By Specialist_AKA_Specs

97% of the fun in this game is because it changes. By now many of you have read that change is coming to the map targets this month. I suspect that change will happen after the raid and we will get the current raid targets for our Uranium fleets. Yes. Some have said that this is a bad thing. The new players will not keep up and be left behind. There are even some rumors that the Forsaken Mission targets are changing. I will explain why I never worry when a change is coming and how best to navigate through this if you are a non-coiner and new player to the great game of Battle Pirates.

Changing Map targets

Change in the game has happened since its inception. The game has undergone many changes, and they always happen every few months. Some do not like these changes, even I have not liked some, but for the most part the changes keep the game fresh, and engaging. If the game never changed, I suspect many of you that are reading this would have left already to a different game that was newer, and more of a challenge. So, it is not that change in the game is bad, it is the perception of that change that makes players think it is bad.

Our Uranium targets are going to change. We were told this almost a year ago when the new plan of separating the PvE and PvP hulls came into focus. The reasoning then was to allow our Raid fleets to hav3 a longer shelf life than a couple of months. This change allows new players that are just starting to build these critical fleets still and have them for eight months to a year without fear of falling behind in other aspects of the game. If you can do the current raid the next change to map targets should not scare, you the littlest bit.

We will be seeing our Draconian Armada being changed to the Reaver Armada. So we will need to have our subs or tide seekers ready to go for this change. I know many of you that are reading have your tiger sharks, you have hellwraiths and even at least three to four tideseekers ready to go and possibly ranked. You will be able to keep going with these fleets and get Uranium when you need it.

I understand the fear of change. It is not like when a change happens in the game it has led to issues for players. Sometimes the decision makers decide to push the envelope, and the damage is outrageous and unacceptable. In those times they have rethought and redesigned targets so that they were easier with the technology of the players in mind, not what they felt the players had.

How to cope with these changes

First, you have to understand that every four months something is going to change in the game. That is the way it has been since the beginning of the game. As players we will not be able to stop this, it is going to happen so we might as well accept it. To help with this thought process, remember to build whatever raid fleet is dominating in the current raid series. For this, that would be a sub fleet or Tide Seekers.

Secondly, The Reavers at the change will be susceptible to the same damage they are now. So this is concussive weapons. It also means they should deal the same damage type of Concussive and Explosive (I said ballistic to one when I was tired, sorry about that). That means you will want to defend against those damage types. As a non-coiner or new player you are going to want to attempt to get one of those three hulls I mentioned and then either the Charon torpedo, Mayhem torpedo is a good choice too for these targets. The Tideseekers you will want the Garwood or other concussive type weapons.

Third, if we read CM Doomroosters post and understand it right, the new targets will even wipe the old Reaver targets off the map. This one statement gives me hope that we will see targets more familiar to the last few Raid formats and not the raid setup with the floating mortars and death explosions.

Forsaken Mission change rumors

Beyond what many have tried to push on Facebook and the Forums. The map target changes should not be affecting the Forsaken missions. We are not going to have to battle Reavers for our points and will still have the current targets we have. Yes. We have seen those targets progress since their inception as the game team seemed to tackle with the hulls and weapons they released before the change. Hopefully, they are done tinkering with that target set until we get the new Garrison style raid in the future.


Remember change for change sake is bad, I will always agree with that sentiment. But, I have not seen the game change for change sake. It is always done along the same general path and if you pay attention to it and have a grasp on the history of the game you can predict which way the game might be going and then plan accordingly. The best pirates never sit tight and hope for the best, they take a gamble and then adjust if that gamble did not pay off.


  1. your article is bad and you should feel bad!

  2. "If the game never changed, I suspect many of you that are reading this would have left already to a different game that was newer, and more of a challenge."

    This ^^

    I couldn't agree more. Well put.

  3. Game is changing for profit. P-r-o-f-i-t
