Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Ask Specs Anything November 16, 2016

Give us Valiant! Or Give us Death!

by Specialist_AKA_Specs

Most of the questions I get throughout the week center around ship builds, and I have tried not to share those as I want the people that ask me to have their builds unique and only to them. A different thought occurred to me though as I go through my questions through the week and almost all of them are centered around building a fleet for a particular task. Sharing that knowledge should help more than one person and while cooking cutter builds suck in the short term the long term the game seems to be rewarding that thought process. So this week as almost all the questions are on the Valiant I want to go into the building aspect more than the initial posts I presented prior to this article you can find here. I will present you with three distinct builds that have found a way into my personal base defense. I will also share my latest base layout that has held up quite well so far and the most recent video of base hits on my base.

First things first 

I hope those that have been reading me from the beginning did the VXP builds for this coming weekend. I know those new to the blog might not understand what that means so here is my VXP build. You do the Hull, Hull streaming 3 (Special that increases map speed and can be retrieved through level 51+ Cargo) and a thud 1. This build allows you to get at least two hulls built, three or four if you have the tokens before the VXP weekend. You will just send the ship to die as many times as you can from Friday morning until Saturday night. Without coin I use four Salty dogs during that 36 hours and get as much rank as possible usually around 70%.

Slow’em Down Valiant

The first Valiant build I want to discuss is the D33-D(R) and ballistic build. This build will be in the front and one of the first ones the attacker encounters. If you have it next to some more that can dish damage it will give your turrets time to land hits, and also weaken them enough as they get to your better damage dealing ships. You would use either the D33-D or the D33-DR depending on your technology you have. I left one special blank in case you want something else, I put evade upgrade there for now.

Valiant D33-DR

Bash’em Valiant

Now this version is the Missile DPS build. It is designed to meet them as they round a corner and will provide you with a second damage type in the guard. I recommend you use the best missile you have available. For this build, I used the Blade missile, but any missile can help you here, and some might like the Torrent, Scoria, Switch Blade or Trident.

Valiant Blade 

Melt’em Down Valiant

The last one in the build for this week is the Scattergun Valliant. This Valiant is designed for the finishing kill. If they make it through your guard and are heading to the outpost, this is there to help stop them. I used the Calamity in my build I am sharing, but any other Scattergun can help here. You could do half Scatter and half Reciprocator if you wish to get a balance in damage types you are putting into the base.

Valiant Calamity

The most important thing to take into account is that the base turrets and your defense fleet complement each other. It is much easier to customize the defense fleet, so I suggest you put in the turrets you like, or deal the best damage. Then customize the defense fleet to be different damage type and force the attacker to think about your base. IF your base turrets are mostly Ballista and Executioner, then you will want some explosive, corrosive, concussive on your defense fleet. The more damage types you can cover the better success, you will have against attackers. That is the most important lesson that every pirate should learn.

Base Layout as of November 16, 2016

I created that layout specifically to take advantage of the valiant and the aura it provides with the boost to reload and damage to others in the fleet. It still requires two thermal ships for sub prep protection but it does pretty well as of now. It does require the newer turrets with the range to reach the channel. I have Ballista, Dead Eye Executioners, Blunderbuss, 2 Draconian Scatter guns, Glacial Turret, ColdSnap, Mini-Gun, and 2 Draconian Coaxial turrets (to help thin missiles some)

Latest hits on my base


  1. Here is an idea for a post: How about something on analyzing each weapon measured on damage/shot. Determining if the ship weapon or turret we are equipping can exceed the deflection of an incoming ship has become much more important than damage per hton, range, etc. especially when defending or attacking a player base. (if we knew the amount of defection on game targets, it would be important for that too).

    Know this can also help us make decisions to put non-traditional weapons on various hulls, e.g. launchers on a fury hull, scatter-guns on a Vanquisher, etc.

    Your thoughts?

    1. While I would like that information, I am not sure I have the time or money to spend testing it :) That is a huge undertaking and would require a lot of work.

      It would be awesome if they shared that information, but they have brushed it aside when we have asked before. Some have done this testing as you have mentioned. BP Professor tests came to the conclusion that it was 50 minimum damage per weapon type. Now whether that is true or not I cannot say.

      Good idea though, just not something I have the time for or the cash unfortunately to find the exact answers.

    2. Actually, I am not envisioning something that difficult.

      What if it started off as follows
      1. Ships/weapon : Choose just one weapon of each of the 7 damage types that has the most damage per shot, match it to a Conqurer hull that maximizes the damage per shot for that weapon more than others, add the ideal special to further increase damage per shot, and publish that in a small table with 7 rows. Call it the best counter punch choices a defending fleet can deliver against a high deflection hull attacking a base.

      2. Turret/Weapon: Similar to the above. Choose just one turret weapon of each of the 7 types that has the most damage per shot, add specials to further increase damage per shot, and publish that in a table. Call it the best counter punch choices a turret can deliver against a high deflection hull.

      3. List all the Conqueror hulls and their deflections for each of the weapon types with and without full blood thirst. (I did this, so I can contribute)

      With that figured out, readers of your blog including myself can contribute one update each month whenever another hull, weapon, or special creates a new leader in the damage per shot category for a specific weapon damage type.

      Your thoughts?

    3. I would like to see it done, but I do not have the time to do it myself. I would share the information and give those that did the work 100% of the credit if they wanted it shared with the readers of this blog.

      Or, if they created their own place to host it I would link to them so that readers that come here can go and find it much easier.

      I am very open to having differing views, and opinions shared on the blog as well. If a reader thinks they have something that can help the community that I am not covering, I would love to have them say it as often as they like. They could get a authorship spot on the blog to share their knowledge. As long as it helps the community.

    4. I forgot to add that I can work on this, but it will take me sometime to get through it as I have a lot on my plate with the holidays coming and all the glorious personal stuff :)

      This chart would be very beneficial to the community, I just wish I could get 48 hours in a day.

  2. would like to know what you have on those balistas to make them fire that fast

  3. I have on the OP two modules, first is fire support 2. That gives a 12.5% boost to reload and second is Overload mechanism that does a double salvo ever 60 secs.

  4. Do you find the Balista more effective then the Blunderbuss against Conqueror hulls, or are they equally ineffective against Spites, Revenges, and only somewhat useful against Furys (with bloodthirst at max)?

    1. I find that they are nice for a few shots and some damage. I do like the ballista and the blunderbus as a means to deliver a damage type i do not have that much of and as the video shows as they are driving around the base the Missiles and Ballista chip away at them and weaken them as they are prepping the base.

  5. can you tell me what is the use of the Special - Cryo Battery in Valiant Calamity build

    1. It lays a ice patch down (or can) that slows the attacker down, lowers turn speed (15% for those two) and lowers resistance across the board 20%.

  6. can you advice on the specials on glacial launcher turret plz

    1. We do not have anything to really boost damage for Radioactive turrets. So, Platform Z-U is a good choice with a 10% reload to Radioactive. Anything that boost splash to help ensure it damages anything running by. Match that with a Attack Transformer to boost damage. So, one of those two specials and then a pinch special as some might try to pinch your island and that will lower the stun time from 28 seconds to 14 seconds.
