Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Does the Harlock Centurion confirm the Rumors?

The perfect flagship for the best Hull at this time for Siege targets

By Specialist_AKA_Specs

My readers will remember Monday I made a prediction (read here) that the Centurion fleet will be the best hull for the raid in January. At least where my non-coiner friends are concerned, and the build I gave them will make it easy to get it ready for that raid and have it ranked for it to provide them with a shot at whatever the new siege hull happens to be. The reason for that article was quite simple, in August we got the Hellwraith for 30 million raid points. I know that many got that hull and were able to get it built for September. I am not sure the exact cost of the Siege hull, but all signs are pointing to the Siege raid in January, and if they do offer the best hull January raid it is going to cost at least 30 million points. We have not seen new hulls released at a lower price from other newer hulls, so it is safe to assume that it will be at least 30 million and 15 to 20 million for the weapon and special. So for those that cannot get almost 50 million in a raid the Centurion is the way to go.

With that rehashed here is the good, bad, and ugly on the Harlock Centurion.


It is a great flagship to lead four Centurions. It should elevate the fleet I had proposed from Tier 4 to Tier 5 with rank and retro lab levels achieved. I am telling my alliance that is building new Centurions to create blanks until we know for certain on if we are getting the weapon and special for the next raid cycle in December. So, with that in mind if you happen to win this hull through the farming the 97 mining bases you will want to build it as a blank as well.

It boosts resistance, reload, turn speed, combat speed and most importantly Splash reduction. There is a reason for that ability being important, and that is that it reduces damage significantly. A similarly built Punisher fleet takes 4+ hours of damage, while the Centurions (without the flag) takes just over 1 hour 40 minutes in a level 97 mining base

The hull itself gets nice boosts to allow it to enter combat and not necessarily be a sit in the corner hull. You could build it with a single countermeasure and just auto targets, but honestly, this is an excellent compliment to the Centurion hull.

Honorable mention for good is the fact you can get 120K base parts for a single mining base, that is an excellent


You need 50 of them, while not as bad as the other limited and not as high as the Gamma. It is a lot of farming. The Mining bases will not be affected by threat level, meaning you need to hit 50 of them. It also means that if you do not have centurions already, you are going to take damage that you should not make it painful to obtain. The Punisher fleet I have taken just under 5 hours of damage. That is 250 hours of repairs or 500 coins. The Centurion fleet took 1 hour 44 minutes of repair or 3 coins (as I would not coin that 14 minutes) or 150 coins.

The another bad thing is that it is tied to a chore that many do not like and feel it is a waste of time. While it was not painful for me, I know for some of my friends that do not have the Centurion fleet built, yet thy will struggle.


We can coin it after getting one shard. Here is the ugly part, though. It is about $100 to coin it after that one. That is a lot of coin at this time of year for those that might be on a fence to coin. Each shard lowers the coin cost by 48 though, so you could farm for the next few weeks and then maybe get it down to $10 if you wanted to. For the majority, though, and those that are my students and non-coiners at this time, this is going to be very off-putting to them. While I can say it is the ugly side of this hull, it does not diminish my opinion that the value of the hull is worth waiting for and farming it.

My Thoughts

I love the idea behind the hull. I see the great value of it when paired with my current Centurion fleet. So much so that I have paused the build on my 5th and started my malice. I will get the flagship and then build it in preparations for January raid. I do feel confident that if the new siege hull offered is not too expensive point wise I will get that, but just in case I am going to get my Centurion fleet ready to go for January, and that will include the Harlock Centurion fleet. Even with the ugly part, I can ignore that and just farm the 50 shards.

The advice still stands from Monday. If building new Centurions then build them as blanks and wait to see what December raid brings us. Worse case you are out three weeks of build time and you are lucky to get the new hull, weapon and special. Best case, we find out that we cannot get the new siege hull, but do get the weapon and special that is an upgrade from current weapons and we can begin our refits right away.


  1. yeah i own one centurion i refitted earthshakers off it for antipode because i assumed it would boom the things and kill it faster lol...i might refit it again to have different cannon...thing is i dont own PAC or rail gun

    1. Wait until raid on refits, I have a feeling we will get anew cannon, or at very least the PAC will be offered.

  2. combat speed of the citadels is to low in my eyes compared with the Vendetta's - so a Harlocj Citadel can't follow the vendetta's

  3. One more bad/ugly.

    The Harlock's Centurion has the stats of an R5 Centurion. Given that R5 Centurion was released just now, even after getting this flagship, it'll out run the rest of your ships by a significant margin.

    Base Centurion has 18 speed. Harlock's Centurion has 24. You're going to have a real hard time fitting the fleet together.

    Even something as weak as Speed 2 gives the H.Cent 36 speed, while Speed 5 on basic Centurion is only speed 33. We're not even going to get into the turn rate problems at this point due to rank and obviously much weaker engines.

  4. Is the build for your cents the same one you posted in your newest article?

  5. Yes, the pics here are the from the build I posted this afternoon

  6. i own 3 Cents myself and can auto 6 level 97 targets, i have my 4th one coming in a week and will be building the H cent for the Feb raid empty to gain the buffs off it as well as retro the cent as much as possible so in March i will have a fleet of 5 ranked cents fully built for the raid.
