Sunday, September 11, 2016


 Well, the raid is almost here. Are you ready? Me? I hope so. lol. But as we all know, the proof is in the pudding, so i guess we will see.
  In this new raid set, we will be facing a new type of weapon, several actually. As always, no real defence to it either. But do not loose hope! Build the best you can and you may be surprised! If you did the Phantom camp, you will have seen as well as the reaver armadas, they can be done. Now, the last target in the Phantom camp proved to me a S.O.B. Not much we can do about the hanging mort with ungodly re target range and speed. but maybe we can change the amount of damage sustained from the when we surface. Walk with me a minute and lets see what can be done.

  Are these all good builds? Yes, in my own opinion. Will they all work? Most definitely. Now, what is the best build? All of them. "Say what?" you may ask? We all have a different driving style. Each hull in this lot of 4 is for a different driving style and will act differently for each player. No one knows your style better than you do. Each one will do good in the raid as they sit. Now the fun part, what style are you? Me? I lack finesse. lol. I am the number 1 hell wraith. mine is a go in and do damage, screw the damage taken. Others who like to finesse may like one of the others. Choose wisely as this is your life line for this raid cycle.!90H00000I010NK02A272A2741406S065SAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQ4H4H4H4H0NK02A2A2A2A066T346S6EAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQ0NK02A2A2A2A066T346S6EAQAQAQAQAQAQC0AQC0C0C0C00NK02A2A2A2A066T346S5VC0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C04HC0dC

  Lets see what you got. Good luck in the raid and keep battling.

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