Saturday, August 13, 2016

You want me to twist WHAT???

What's the twist on the Fire Twister torpedo???

By: George Argyropoulos
a/k/a Dragon Bane

Well, this is in fact a blog, and I, in fact, am drinking my coffee dreading getting on to prep more S targets. Before I do, however, I decided to write a quick little snippet about the new torpedo. I do need to get back to raiding...

This is not going to be a polished article. It is going to be my quickly written thoughts. I am only writing this because of the apparent consternation and confusion currently happening over the torpedo.

Let’s start with this:


Folks, the sky is not falling. I have no idea why everyone is freaking out over the Fire Twister. As I mentioned on the test server and on here before – it is a dumbfire weapon. This means it does not track its target, but rather, fires at the point that the target was at. This is a specialized weapon. It has specific uses. It is not junk. Please keep that in mind.

The torpedo is made to work in conjunction with the new submarine, the Hell Wraith. The sub has additional projectile speed built in, and the new special has even more to add to the mix.

They also have been tailored for the new Raid meta coming out next month.

Performance wise- there is no more powerful torpedo in the game. It is not, however, made for any sort of serious PvP action. It will devastate a target – so long as it is slow or not moving. If you try and use these torpedoes on anything like an Apollo, you will be highly disappointed.

In the test server, I did purposefully build a few subs to test these. I also activated the Reavers purposefully to see the difference in performance. The torpedo, on a proper build to take advantage of its design, worked fantastically. When the targets were activated, they did struggle a little, taking about double the volleys to kill a given target.

Some testing has been done with them against Apollos, Retributions, Vanquishers and a few smaller hulls, and they either outright struggle to put damage on or completely fail. As I said – not for any serious PvP. Projectile speed is VERY important for this torpedo!!

That said, this all goes back to design. How, and for what, do you want to build these for? If you were planning on putting these on a Tiger Shark with the new special and want them JUST for the raid, you probably will be ok. If you are looking for these to replace your Charons or Styx for PvP engagements, you will be sorely disappointed. This torpedo is a specialized design and EXCELS at what it is meant to do.

Now – will Kixeye change the raid format at some point from September to December and throw in some moving targets that the Fire Twister can’t hit? I have no idea, but I AM informed about its specific mechanics, as I hope you all are now as well.

Please feel free to post questions or comments – any help to the community on this issue, before the raid ends, may help someone decide what to get.

Late edit: I did end up building my subs with almost all Fire Twisters. They worked really rather well and the because of their speed, the 'dumb' part can in fact be mitigated by closing the gap between you and your target.


  1. Thanks for the Info. Help me be a little more prepared
    for future

  2. So, what are your thoughts on a mix? Maybe fire twister and charon torps, to cover more bases. The charons may help if you trigger the targets, etc.

    1. Thats what i am thinking maybe a couple of charons on the subs the rest firetwisters

    2. I'm torn. Currently I think I will build with a couple blank spots and maybe a couple Charons. Maybe- I am only building these for the new raid set. I have 4 sub fleets already. lol
      I have 3 different builds but I am leaning towards building a mix of my favorite two. For every day use, pvp, etc, you will need a mix. For the new raid, as we've seen them, you can load up on the Twisters, but I won't assume that the raid won't change before we see the real deal...

  3. Every day someone comments on an article they read or something they heard." Puns won't work in the coming months, Styx won't work in the new raids, conquerors will be nerfed and rendered useless". It's hard to know what to believe or what direction to take.

    1. You have to find a reliable source and start there- then you learn and make your own decisions once you understand the mechanics and variables.

    2. Unfortunately we cannot be 100% sure what the final product will be on anything in the game. We can theorize, make guesses, and share what works once we see what they do.

      The thoughts on Puns is because the mission has been stated it is changing. We are skittish when changes are made, because typically they remove a means we have found to work outside the approved methods.

  4. it has given me pause to consider a more all around build on my hell wraith, i will use a mix of twisters and Charon, probably about 2 twist and 1 Charon will end up being my final ratio.

  5. Hellwraith with just charons will not be good enough next raid? I don't mind a little longer work on each raid-target with subs which I can use also in other occasions. I'm happy with 30/40 mil points each raid, I don't need 100 mil......

  6. They will be ok, but will not deal with the drones anywhere near as well, nor is the projectile speed close and the DPS as not near as good, however, the damage differantial can be mitigated by retrofitting the Scourge torpedoes to R15 to get the Charons closer to the Twisters. If you are aware of the weapon mechanics, you should do well.

  7. Really good thoughts, I haven't one a hull in ages so am looking forward to building and using this one. My plan was to start with 3 Charons and 4 twisters and go from there. The specials are hard for me to get my head around, any opinions? I was going to do Hydro Resistors, Ion Thruster, AA3 but not sure about what the other 2 would be...
