Thursday, July 28, 2016

Resonance Capacitor, Resonance Battery and those things that touch them in their special place...

What is this dark magic of which you speak??

By: George Argyropoulos
a/k/a Dragon_Bane

I get a few requests and several questions randomly thrown at me. Most of the time it is a build question or a breakdown question but over the last few weeks I have fielded a few other ones that stand out.
What I have noted between this personal correspondence and some posted questions between the Forums, The Forsaken Council and the Battle Pirates on BV pages recently is that there is still a LOT of people who have questions about the Resonance Capacitor, the Resonance Battery and how exactly they work. So... to that end, we'll talk Res Cap, Res Batt. and triggering fields.

The Basic Misunderstanding

Let's start with the Specials themselves and explain away a big portion of the confusion.  These specials DO NOT affect other hulls. It is a special like any other in that it affects the hull to which it is equipped. It does not give bonuses unless the special (The Batt or Cap) is triggered. Having one on your Vendetta does not give any benefit to your Revenge that does not have one equipped.

The special itself has to be triggered by being in an activating field or aura. These fields or auras are not generic in nature- In other words, the field or aura has to actually affect the hull to which the special is equipped.
***To be triggered, the field has to be affecting the hull the special is actually on.***

Ok, Where do they go?

There is no limit to what hull you can equip these specials on. The effects of the special will work, ON ANY HULL, so long as the Cap/Batt is triggered. The special is NOT hull specific.
Likewise, the bonus drops once the hull leaves field/aura. Yes- this means it does NOTHING if it is not being triggered. It's just a shiny bit of pixel jewelry for your boat if it is not being triggered.

Ummm... ok, how do you 'excite' them then?

Only certain fields/auras will trigger it. The fields/auras need to be affecting the hull that the res cap/batt are equipped to. I can not stress this enough it seems. Particularly because you have to keep in mind the various ways in which the specials can be used.
Can this help enemy ships coming in to hit your base? YES.
Can it help your ships going to hit a base? YES.
This isn't a one way street. It is not new. But you have to remember to balance what you gain (or don't) with what you've lost. That's part of the build process. It's not something they gain and you can't take advantage of. The Batt was used in base defenses by some people for a while. Please try to understand the working first before anyone starts flipping out about this old/new special.

Interesting tidbit for the next raidset...

Additionally, to preemptively answer this question: YES (as of RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!) they are both activated by the Subsonic Cavitators of the Reavers in the new raid coming in September.

Here are the fields/auras:(List compilation help credit goes to Johnny Frostler)

Resonance triggers

ECM Destroyer
Navigational Array Tactical
Wake Tactical

Apocolypse Mort Fire Field
Napalm Fire Field (still testing this one)
Proto Nem
Vassago Hunter
Glacial Turret Cryo Field
Wendigo Turret Cryo Field
Cryo Battery Cryo Field
Incendiary Shells Fire Field
Subsonic Caviator Tactical
Engine Disruptor Tactical
Microwave Dampener Tactical
Siege Scanner Tactical
Armor Bypass Tactical
Cryo Trigger Cryo Field (22 range. If equipped on a destroyed water structure)

NO Resonance trigger:
EMP Blast
Combustion Trigger
Cryo Trigger Field (80 range)
Oil Slick
Fire Support
Combined Defense
Hidden Cache
Radiation Suppressor
Fuel Air Munitions
Chromium Overlay

Please note: Kixeye reserves the right to change anything at anytime and 
make me look like a complete idiot and make these lists utter bollocks...

In which case.... everything is working as intended. 


  1. What's the difference Capacitor vs. Battery???

  2. There are several. It would be easiest to pull the blue prints up and compare them.

  3. can it be self triggered?
    ie retribution or vendetta

    1. Retribution and Vendetta do self trigger these two items.

      If you look under special abilities it will tell you if the tactical field triggers, and if it is a tactical field that boosts the ship (Boom boost on Retribution for example) typically that means it affects the ship as well as.

  4. So on a hellwraith, res battery and capacitor would only be activated by overload? Which would mean you need to take damage, which means you will need to be surfaced or detected?

    1. Hello,

      No the overload is not a tactical field. To activate you would have drive through the sub cavitator fields or bring a friendly surface ship with you to power up.

  5. could you explain the benefit of the " 8 stacking bonus " ? is it a transfer of a ships defenses that activates the Resonance copastor

    1. See the follow up article on this here:

  6. Great question, I am not 100% sure what I would say would be correct as I have not tested this or asked about it. I have asked george to come and take a look, as he did more testing and discussion on this topic with GD Raikan, so he might have that answer without me waiting until tomorrow.

    1. As far as I can understand the specs for Res Capacitor it needs the field only to get the special bonuses..
      If you read the specs under the Res Capacitor it says:
      "special bonuses applied when affected by Tactical Field"

      As far as I can read the bp that means that res cap all the time give:
      Turret defense +50%
      Radioactive Damage +35%

      At first I actually understood the words "special bonuses" so it only referred to the stacking bonuses under the Special abilities.. But I've realized it also must include the other two bonus benefits:
      Bonus all Damage +36%
      Bonus Combat Speed +20%

      Have I understood this correct or not?
      And used on a Retribution sailing on its own in front of rest of the fleet, will the Retribution's own field activate Res Capacitor? Seems like it might do that as long as it is not Bloodthirsty, have I figured this out correct?

  7. Resonance Capacitor must be one of the specials Ive seen most players struggel to figure out.. Ive been involved in several discussions about it lately so I want to check out if Ive understood it's functions correctly.

    When you read the specs for Res Capacitor it says on top:
    "Special bonuses applied when affected by Tactical Field"

    At first I guess I misunderstood it like that just affected the Stacking Tactical Bonuses that is listed under Special Abilities. I guess that is not correct, since I guess it affect all the abilities listed as bonuses..

    But I also think many players misunderstand the Res Capacitor because when you read the specs it do have 2 abilities that is not listed as bonuses..
    As far as I understand the res capacitor does not need any tac field for giving:
    Radioactive Damage +35%
    Turret Defense +50%
    Have I understood this correct or not? Ive used the Retri as tank for vendettas with great sucess so if that is without +50% turret defense Iam very suprised..

    What I think I misunderstood at first was that I thought Res Cap also gave the ship:
    Bonus All Damage +36% (is this on top of the radioactive +36%?)
    Bonus Combat Speed +20%
    But I guess that is bonuses that you need a tactical field to get.

    I have a last question, the Retribution have its own tactical field as far as I understand. Does that mean that it will activate the Res Capacitor on the ship itself?
    As far as I understand the specs for Retribution it will trigger the resonance capacitor as long it's not bloodthirsty - when it's bloodthirsty it will not trigger res capacitor. Is that correct? And that it will trigger the ships own res capacitor?
