Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Sub Changes and New TLC; plus,

 what should you start doing to be ready for September raid change

This week we had the changes to subs, most notable is the fact that they have to be 100% repaired to launch, and the repair modifier changed to 100%. There is also the change for launcher based sub preps with a 25% reduction in range. This change means that a Launcher subrange will be 70 now, making it detectable by every thermal in the game, except for Rhinos. Also explosive damage will have a handicap of -99%. This is good news for those that do not have the Capital ships Proto Nemesis and Hellstar with their 100 range thermal and gives more options to combat against sub launcher preps. As well as those that cannot keep the mortar subs from getting to the OP and taking it out with a rim to get to 50%.

With the changes comes the foundry and our favorite subs are getting boost. These are without going through the foundry.


  • Accuracy +20%
  • Explosive Defense increased to 40%
  • Concussive Defense increased to 50%
  • Cloak Time increased to 40sec
  • Repair Modifier Removed - All subs now have a standard repair modifier of 100%
  • Base Armor increased to 3,930


  • Added a third special slot
  • Explosive Defense increased to 40%
  • Concussive Defense increased to 55%
  • Combat speed increased to 16
  • Repair Modifier Removed - All subs now have a standard repair modifier of 100%
  • Base Armor increased to 7,908


  • Accuracy increased to 20%
  • Concussive Damage increased to 19%
  • Explosive Defense increased to 30%
  • Concussive Defense increased to 60%
  • Cloak Time increased to 65 Sec
  • Repair Modifier Removed - All subs now have a standard repair modifier of 100%
  • Base Armor increased to 10,001

Tiger Shark:

  • Accuracy increased to 20%
  • Explosive Defense increased to 40%
  • Concussive Defense increased to 65%
  • Cloak Time increased to 70 Sec
  • Repair Modifier Removed - All subs now have a standard repair modifier of 100%
  • Base Armor increased to 10,750
  • Max Weight increased to 7,650

As we can see here, the subs are getting many benefits that will aid them in the new raid format coming in September and help them with the new skirmish targets we are going to be seeing on the map. The foundry upgrades center on adding more DPS, explosive resistance, and Concussive resistance. As well, as minor tweaks to turn speeds and accuracy. Now you still might not be happy that they are taking away the zombie launches, and I cannot blame you. Many have learned to play that way, the goal going forward is to get to build different fleets to do the same thing. Also, with these changes hopefully we can get more play out of our subs. I am hopeful.

 The update brought a New TLC and new Conquer Hull.


Thermonuclear Launcher

Atomic Targeting

This TLC will allow the player to hit other player bases to gain these prizes. I am sure it will be much like previous TLC with Three prize packs, 12 hours, 6 hours and 1 hour. Not sure how many targets per, but figure at least three to five and upwards of seven if they follow typical TLC pattern. It starts today at Noon game time.

September Raid changes

With the raid still a good 6 weeks away we can start to think ahead and get things ready. Especially with the changes to subs now, the foundry to give us access to better subs. So, lets discuss a few builds.

For the Specrte builds you will use the same specials as I did for the Cuda, pretty much those are the three you want at all stages of your tech level.

Hopefully, these builds will help guide you on a path to get ready for the September raid with technology you. I will state that I do not see specters and Cuda doing the high-end targets; however, Nighthawks and Tigers should do the A set and even elites. As always I will modify the advice as I see the targets and get to play with them. Hopefully, these initial builds will do the job, and no refitting will be needed. 

Remember to always use your best torpedo, your best engine, your best ablative armor 3 and then add in dive time and cloaking if you can.

Rumor on many Facebook pages is that we are getting a new sub in September Raid. No, I have not heard one way or another and have no knowledge of future prizes. If the new sub class is coming, you will want to try to get something ready for September raid so that you can claim it and new technology that will make the new raid series easy.

1 comment:

  1. We can confirm that a new submarine is coming in August.

