Thursday, July 21, 2016

Specs view on the September raid preview

Were you one of the lucky 300?

I was not one of the lucky ones that got into the raid preview, but I have watched quite a few videos that others have done and provided for our viewing pleasure. It has left me with a few thoughts.

None of the ones I watched did anything low level, so I am not sure how cuda and spectres will do. However, Nighthawks and Tigers did quite well from what I have seen with good driving. Of course, the lucky ones with a Ghost Crawler will have some fun in the raid series. One guy that I watched a twitch stream of was using Revenge, granted his way was the most expensive I had the pleasure to watch. So, what did the targets seem to have for strengths and weakness?


Concussive damage, the corrosive and explosive damage is the way to go. The reavers have the typical weakness to concussive damage at they had the first time we faced them. The one guy I watched used vendettas with vanquishers out front. Did not do bad with the setup and in the Elite target, he took about 5 hours of damage. I would not recommend using mortars due to the speed of the targets. But, the Gatling gun did alright, and of course torps. The best torpedo you could use for the September raid the Charon. Granted it was in the last raid locked behind the 30 million points. If you do not have that torpedo, then B torpedos will be perfect for the range and damage. Also, siege torps should do just fine if that is all you have. You will have less room for mistakes with the shorter range weapons, though. I mentioned corrosive, and the Cobra scattergun was very useful in what I saw. It would dispose of the little drones quickly, and you could get close enough to the bigger ships to hit them with that weapon as well. Of course, the shorter range did not help much to navigate away from the pulsating sub cavitation fields that popped up.  That covers their weakness; you will want to refit your fleets with those three damage types and in that order. Surface fleets will take more damage, but they are doable if you have the right technology.


The strengths in the target are concussive and explosive damage. From what I could tell the explosive was the death weapon that has a good range hitting you even while submerged. So, if you are using subs I would see if you could fit the Ablative armor three on them, not sure what slot to give up yet for that special. I would also consider using the new armors we are getting in the weekly. Yes, you might not like them because they did not fit what you wanted. But, the explosive resistance they impart to the subs will be useful in dealing with that death explosion that seemed to hit about 110 range from the target. For surface ships, again I would only use them if you did not have a sub fleet, you will want a mix of good explosive defense and use the concussive armors we got from the FM last month.

Some videos of various players doing the testing.

I hope this helps you with your planning stages, and we hopefully will get the skirmish foundry setup soon. This foundry update will allow us to get an idea of what the game developers feel is needed for the targets to be successful

Have a great day and leave a comment if you have questions!


  1. Can you give some more explanation on"The best torpedo you could use for the September raid the Charon". Is it because styx is DoT so you cannot find instant impact of it ?

    1. Mostly, and I am only able to go by what I watched on a video and not experienced first hand here. The reavers seem to have some resistance to the corrosive aspect of the styx. The damage dealt with the Charons seemed to drop them faster than the Styx. Also there is a damage to weight ratio I try to take into consideration. Styx is just heavy and you need more of them, or specials taken to get that max benefit to the DOT.

      You are going to want the new armors, that death explosion was what killed the Ghost Crawler in the one video. And with the Ablative armor 3 special and the new armors you can keep your subs alive a bit longer. That is two specials that you really need. Then, you are going to want combat speed, stealth, turn speed and dive time. This is not going to lend much options for damaging increasing specials to boost the effectiveness of the Styx torp.

      I will put up some builds once I see what the skirmish foundry brings us in terms of reduction in build times. So, look for that next Wednesday at the latest as i work through the new content.

      Great question and thank you, hope this helps.

    2. Too early to discuss more, lets wait for the foundary update
