Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Ask Specs anything

Going to try to make myself available to answer questions. You can post them in the comment section of a post I have made, or you can send me a message on the Kixeye forums user name Specialist AKA Spec and I will answer them Wednesdays every week. So, get the questions in to me by Tuesday morning.

We start this week off with two questions.

The first question comes from A friend, and he asked me the following question concerning the upcoming June Raid.

Rhino fleet built for this raid cycle; the tank will be done in 8d 18hrs. Rank and wait on refit to blades from d53d or refit and use it to tank for puns with no rank?

Here is his tank build;!806V00I0I0I0I0I6D34172B03535353531B531B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B0ZZ0ZZ0ZZ0ZZdC

My advice to this person is not to swap the D53-D out for the blades at this time. If this is only going to be a tank, then you could go with one missile at 98 range and add a couple more phalanx to increase the effectiveness at removing the threat from the mega ship torrent of missiles launched. Also, getting some rank on the hull will only help it fulfill the role of being your main tank going forward for this raid series.

Here is his build with two others that I would do if you have the parts. You will notice I did not modify his initial build by much, but just one special can change this build for the better.!806V00I0I0I0I0I6D34172B03535353531B531B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B06V00I0I0I0I0I6D341744035300001B1B1A1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B06V00J0J0J0J0J6D34174403532A002A2A2A2A002A0000000000000ZZ0ZZdC

The second question came from a forum user on my post about defending against the Revenge

The question was;

Screenshot of base planner to see a good config?

My current design needs some work, but it does quite well with the suggestions I made and the more of them I implement (as discussed here) it does better. Takes time to get everything in and you better off by going with the three damage types I discussed in the write up on base defense against the Revenge and moving forward with the other base hitters that will come along.

The second picture is how you could take the above base and a few turret upgrades, a level 14 warehouse and still have a bubble at the entrance, with your other labs spread out to make them rim the base first before going in.

This still needs some work on the defense fleet and of course I am working on getting more turrets to the middle and still keep my 25% bubble. But, I keep out my fair share and I have had only 1 make it out with 50% damage to the fleet. Most fleets leave with between 85% and 100% killed, they might get my OP, but I do enough damage to them that I know I am on the right track.

Thank you to 9nines and Seraph_Fate for the questions this week. Feel free to leave a question to be answered next week here or at my inbox on the Kixeye forums user name Specialist AKA Specs.

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