Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Better build ideas for new players for the next raid in July/August

Builds that are ready in time for the Hull raid in August to help lower and mid level players.

As was pointed out by Ex-Machina in a comment the builds I had listed were not helpful to him, and I am sure many others. So, here are some more ideas that are lower down the list of available tech, You still need phalanx II though from the Hunt the Nemesis campaign.

Capable of doing C sets

This fleet is Mercury and a CM Vindicator, the CM is the most important part and should be built first. You could add a couple of missiles on it to help with ranking before adding armor. Total fleet time to build should be around 15 days, and that would give you around ten days to help rank ships before next raid if you started it today.


Capable of doing B sets

This fleet is the great V2-H fleet, it will handle B sets and can do it for a decent repair or coin option once ranked. You could go with a dedicated CM ship like the Vindicator if you need to. The build time for each V2 is around 16 days (without officer), meaning that you could feasibly get two of these hulls built by the next raid, and the other two before the August raid. The ranking will be a bit harder if you add the armor first, without armor you could have all of them built 56 days total without an officer.

You will want to concentrate on any tokens that you can get your hands on to help speed this build up for August raid.



I looked at the earlier builds and realized that Ex-Machina was correct for those that might not have the Harriers or Blades at lower levels. So, I wanted to make sure I provided something at basic as possible that could still handle the C sets. You could even get by with phalanx one on the C sets if you do not get to prize pack two in the campaign.

Hopefully, this is more helpful and helps Ex-Machina more than the original builds I posted.

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