Saturday, June 18, 2016

Battle Pirates - Escalation raid review

I am enjoying this raid, thanks to those that suggested I zoom out on the mega ships, does help deal with the issues I had last raid. A headache is there today, but not getting sick is a huge help. I will take a bit more time off and try to hit a few targets each day to keep the issues from sidelining me for too much.

I have not tried anything other than A set and the S target, and I managed to get one Apollo finished before this raid. It has a 10% rank on it at the moment and is my CM tank. It is doing pretty good lowering the damage I have taken in these targets considerably compared to last month. I have decided to get at least two more done this next month and worry about the vendetta after.
Watching others hitting the B set targets I see mostly V2-H, Rhinos, and Punishers being used. I have seen others in the 50 level range using Crusaders, Mercury, and Interdictors with varying degrees of success in the C target. The Rhino and V2 are the better choices for the b set, while the Mercury seems to do better in the C sets. I am trying to catch them so I can video tape them, but we appear to have issues with the C target spawning and B sets are a bit overwhelmed with the amount of 86 around the sector.

With all that said;

This raid phalanx is a big reason for success. If you do not have one, you need a dedicated CM ship. Do not put another phalanx on your other ships as this seems to have an adverse effect. My damage was halved when I removed the two rhinos that had some phalanx four on them and just went with 3x phalanx 4 and a CM special. For B sets the Phalanx 2 or 3 will work just fine, you will want about 6 of the three and 8 of the two. Even with no rank you should see a huge decrease in your damage taken.

The best missile to use is, of course, the Blade, but Harriers are working just as good. And arbalest is a bit slow, but they can work if that is all you have in the lower targets.

Combat speed is a big bonus; I am outrunning most of the damage from the Curb/Scattergun stands on my tank as well as the Heavy cruisers. I have 4x Phalanx 4 and 1x Phalanx 3 with my CM loader three special and that is cutting down most of the missiles from the Zoe in the target, especially if I can get them one on 1. I had 3x Phalanx 4 at the start and used some tokens to put the extra 4 and three on and lowered my repair time by 30 minutes on the on all targets.

Of course, if you have rhino or mastodon then making your tank a CM tank is preferred and make it as fast as you can.

So, to recap for this raid series, this is working best for me.

1 Countermeasure ship with almost all Countermeasures, the better the countermeasure weapon, the less you need to put on the ship. Phalanx 2 you will want almost all slots filled, phalanx three you will be looking at six at least, and phalanx four you will want four of them. High missile resistance and combat speed of over 30. You can get by with less in B set and C set targets.

At least 3x DPS ships, preferably missiles and 98 range. Remote targeting is excellent with Rhino or Mastodon as you can use and drive the CM tank to keep them away from the Scattergun turrets and Heavy Cruiser. Again, high missile resistance is good just in case you mess up with driving, armor not o important.

Low level Fleet idea for the C sets!9P4C00H0H0H0I0317525252525252P4C00H0H0H0I0317525252525252P4C00H0H0H0I0317525252525252P4C00H0H0H0I0317525252525252P5CF0H0H0H2B03170I544M4M4M4M4M4MdC

Med Level Fleet idea for B sets!9PM600H0H0H0H0I03172T5252525252525252PM600H0H0H0H0I03172T5252525252525252PM600H0H0H0H0I03172T5252525252525252PM600H0H0H0H0I03172T5252525252525252P5CF0H0H0H2B03170I544M4M4M4M4M4MdC

The idea is to have a Dedicated CM ship to shoot down the missiles, and then have something long range to take out the buildings. Lead with one ship only when facing the scattergun turrets so that it is the only thing getting fired at as you approach it.

Good luck with the rest of the raid and let me know if you are able to have success with a different type of fleet than I recommend.


  1. I was looking at your low and mid level idea for a fleet. How is using blades and distruptor low level?

  2. Before the changes to the FM the D53-D was easy to get by anyone of any level. Many of those I am helping got it pretty easy, granted they did not get blades and I did not include blades in the low level fleet.

    If you do not have that and have the Trident, then you can substitute that in instead and use a Cutlass 1 to extend the Remote targeting range out a lot more.

    the key is to have a dedicated CM boat and tank, best to make one boat your CM/Tank.

    here you go an idea with tech you can get from researh and cargos only. Save the counter measure special, if you do not have that put in something else or leave it blank. You should be ablet o get most or all of this by level 30 if you hit level 17 to Level 40 cargos everyday. Try to use your free roll for the lucky bastard crew to use in this endeavor.!9P4C00H0H0H0I03173E3E3E3E3E3EP4C00H0H0H0I03173E3E3E3E3E3EP4C00H0H0H0I03173E3E3E3E3E3EP4C00H0H0H0I03173E3E3E3E3E3EP5CF0H0H0H2B03170I3E1A1A1A1A1A1AdC

    Hopefully, that is more helpful. If not let me know

  3. Oh I see I did have a blade on the one ship, sorry about that it was a fleet I designed for someone else and they had it. the one I posted to you in the comment is more fitting for C set targets.

  4. First of all, thanks. I know D53-D were pretty easy to get in the old FM, but I was unlucky and didn't get them before they changed the FM prizes.
    Also, could u help me with a Novas build for the FM? I've got pretty much all the T3 stuff they're offering now, but the chaos mortar. I have mid level tech, so I would like to be able to get to t4.
    This is what I was thinking:!90MV00J0J0J0J0J0J2B345K2U4P554N4N4N4N4N0MV0000000000000345K2U643X3X3X3X3X3X3X0MV0000000000000345K2U643X3X3X3X3X3X3X0MV0000000000000345K2U643X3X3X3X3X3X3X05C00000002B5K341B1B1B1B1B1B4PdC
    Thanks in advance

    1. You are welcome, and I have someone else that asked me for a build that I will be posting here in a few hours. Just finalizing the write up now on that one.

      But, looking over your build two things that concerns me. One is the tank you have for the fleet. Have you tested this out in the 87 or 80 targets? You will ultimately want to hit the 87 at least, and try to hit maybe a part of the 107. I think one platform in the 97 should give you close to or over the 50 million points depending on how they changed that around this week. The second issue is the mortar, because in the higher end targets they have that iron curtain anti weapon in them. It might shoot down all those mortars rendering the fleet useless.

      I will tell you that I use a similar fleet for the 87 with Citadels instead and Judgment mortars. The Iron curtain shoots down a lot of them, but the judgment splits up and some make the target and the damage is enough to take out the iron curtain and the defensive bonus structure allowing me to take the rest out in the remainder of shots fired.

      You can fix this of course by putting Ballistics or launchers on your lead tank. Then target the iron curtain as you go into the target. The tank should take that out and then the mortars will subsequently take out the rest. Your priority will be the iron curtain, then the defensive structure giving them the resistance bonus.

      Over all I think you are on the right path to getting to T4, I would be interested to see how you do with the fleet as you have envisioned if you already have it built. If not, think think about going Launchers x 4 on the tank and moving some of the anti-mortar weapons to your vindicator. I have 2x Phalanx 4 on my fleet and I cut down almost all the dead eye executioners being fired at me.
