Tuesday, June 7, 2016

A day in the life of a New Battle Pirates Player June 7, 2016

OK, so came to a realization that with the weekly changing on June 22, 2016, and the fact that I do not see anything less than level 37 draconian strongholds. That I wanted to test them with what I had now. This test was done so I could see if it was possible for a new player to use marauders to get to T1 in the FM from the start. Yeah, it was not pretty, and I did not even get a chance to fire on the targets with my Rapier missiles. So, the new plan going to get T1 this week (twice) as it can be done and then start on foundry. This also means I had to play a bit longer hitting the 18 strongholds to get the 150K today, then tonight before bed I will do another 150K letting me have the required technology to start on T1 foundry hulls.

Today I finished the tutorial and earned 27 coins, which I then used to coin 4 Marauders with Thud IV to do the weekly.  I also upgraded the advance lab to 5, while the Marauders is a waste of that coin, the advance lab is not. If you are to use these coins, do not do what I did for expediency sake, and use them to upgrade buildings and turret stands that you will have for the entire time you are playing.

These were coins I earned through Kixeye, so do not consider it a violation of the rules I set forth as you will also collect these coins.

I also upgrade Warehouses to level 6, I upgraded the dock to level 3, Advance lab to level 4, Naval and Weapon are still at four at this time. I also started BB-A with D30-N they have six less range but double the damage so I think I can make that work on the next Campaign at level 24. They are re-fittable, so if I am not happy with them, I can swap back to the Thud IV in a day or two. They take 9 hours and some change to build so that I can do two a day.

To do the level 37 strongholds I have to be able to hit the level 51 cargo, so that is next on the list to advance towards, I will be researching my torps and getting to Predators, along with getting my Engine research done. Would like to have engine 2 and Havoc IV for the level 51 cargos.

Remember the goal is to keep yourself below 50 as long as you can. So, I am only going to research what I need, and not what I want. Some things are required that you should not neglect.

Today’s progress


•    3x Warehouse level 6
•    Advance lab level 5
•    3x of each resource generator to 3 (This was to satisfy a tutorial requirement)

Research – Advance Lab, Naval Lab, Weapons Lab

•    Laser 1
•    Reactive Armor
•    Ablative armor
•    Guidance Scrambler
•    Engine 1
•    Started Harden Barrels 1 for ballistic fleet
•    Iron IV
•    Havoc 1
•    Havoc 2

Ships build

•    4x Thud IV Marauder with engine 1 and Iron 3
•    2x Rapier 1 with thruster 1 and Iron 3 (for tutorial)
•    Started BB-A Thud IV

Tomorrow try to push to Predators, the goal is to get them build as soon as I can after I finish the BB-A Ballistic fleet. I am also making a choice to not get Levi-A yet as the campaign is worth 500% so far with my Rapier missile Marauder on target 1 and 2, meaning that if I need resources fast I can do that to fill up quick and keep going. I plan to start on Cargos when I get my Preds built later this week/next week

My Level at this end of the day is 18

Any questions feel free to comment below.


  1. I feel it's worth pointing out in advance, but with a LOT of seat Time, Shock N morts, Peacemaker 1s, Research Up to Battle Barge, Small Long Pinch, you can do Death Grip Prize Pack 1 for free to get the Mauler.


    Some things in the build may have been different, I scrapped those ships long ago, and I was wracking my brain for a while to remember, but if you run the ships that aren't instant repair as "Zombies" and you pinch the Javelins you'll get it done relatively fast.

  2. That is at level 28 though, granted that cam be accomplished in a week lol. I plan to do video of the hits on the campaigns, with help on how to get through them.

    thanks for sharing the build :) It will help give other ideas on what can work.
