Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Specs take on Battle Pirate Update June 1st, 2016

Specs take on Battle Pirate Update June 1st, 2016

This update featured the assault class to the foundry and as such we got two new prizes to the T5 of the weekly, the Judgement mortar and the Explosive System V. This is because they are needed to do the various foundry retrofits (researches?). So, you will want to try to get to T5 if possible to move the foundry along.

Judgment mortar is a stunning mortar, I know many like the Pando Morts due to the armor increase, but the judgment mortar is excellent for the MIRV ability and defeating the Iron Curtain in the mines and the new FM. So, if you do not have the pando mort and can get to T5 to get this mortar it can help you with the PvE content in the game. Also, the judgment mortar is quite nice when paired with a remote targeting hull like the Citadel and Novastorm. You could also mix and match the two mortars to get the best of both worlds.

Explosive system V is more than likely going to be in line with the others and help mortars with their splash, spread, and projectile speed. I think that combustion system 2 is the better special all around do to most FvF combat not catering to mortars and the reduction of spread. With the spread bonus, you have a greater chance of being able to hit the most compact buildings in the new FM and Mines. If the splash bonus is better on the explosive system than the 50% in Combustion System 2, that might give this a bit of an edge, even with the reduction in the spread. A few other factors will be the weight comparison and projectile speed.

The changes to the Assault class ships was robust. First, some hulls got a nice boost to penetrative damage. Kodiak also got a small boost to Corrosive resistance. These are all great changes and will help make older fleets a bit more competitive at the lower end of the game.

Missile Cruiser X
·         Penetrative Damage: +35%

Interceptor V2-H
·         Penetrative Damage: +35%

·         Penetrative Damage: + 35%; Corrosive Resistance: +40%

·         Penetrative Damage: +35%

Meanwhile we can see the following for the Foundry retrofit.

Foundry Retrofits

Missile Cruiser X
·         R1: Assault DPS: 0 to 3
·         R2: Assault DPS: 3 to 6
·         R3: Assault DPS: 6 to 12; Siege DPS: 0 to 6
·         R4: Assault DPS 12 to 25; Siege DPS 6 to 12; Corrosive Resistance 25% to 30%; Combat Speed 12 to 13
·         R5: Assault DPS: 25 to 50; Siege DPS 12 to 25; Corrosive Resistance 30% to 40%; Combat Speed 13 to 15

Interceptor V2-H
·         R1: Assault DPS: 0 to 12
·         R2: Assault DPS:12 to 25
·         R3: Assault DPS 25 to 50; Siege DPS: 0 to 25
·         R4: Assault DPS: 50 to 200; Siege DPS: 25 to 100; Corrosive Resistance: +25% to +30%
·         R5: Assault DPS: 200 to 400; Siege DPS: 100 to 200; Corrosive Resistance: 30% to 40%

·         R1: Assault DPS: 0 to 30
·         R2: Assault DPS: 30 to 62.5
·         R3: Assault DPS: 62.5 to 125; Siege DPS: 0 to 62.5
·         R4: Assault DPS: 125 to 250; Siege DPS: 62.5 to 125; Corrosive Resistance: 40% to 45%; Assault Deflection 0 to 12.5; Siege Deflection: 0 to 7.5
·         R5: Assault DPS: 250 to 500; Siege DPS: 125 to 250; Corrosive Resistance: 45% to 55%; Assault Deflection: 12.5 to 25; Siege Deflection: 7.5 to 15

·         R1: Assault DPS: 0 to 42.5
·         R2: Assault DPS 42.5 to 85
·         R3: Assault DPS 85 to 175; Siege DPS 0 to 85
·         R4: Assault DPS: 175 to 350; Siege DPS 85 to 175; Corrosive Resistance: 50% to 55%; Assault Deflection: 0 to 50; Siege Deflection: 0 to 25; Turret Defense: 0% to 10%
·         R5: Assault DPS: 350 to 700; Siege DPS: 175 to 350; Corrosive Resistance: 55% to 65%; Penetrative Resistance: 40% to 50%; Assault Deflection: 50 to 100; Siege Deflection: 25 to 50; Turret Defense: 10% to 30%

Some exciting changes to these hulls once you move through the foundry retrofit levels. I will admit the rhino is getting some nice buffing and will be helpful for the new raid series. Especially, if the Turret defense stacks with our other specials like Frontline Countermeasure and Siege Battery. Typically, they have not, though, so I am not holding out hope. The others are getting some nice buffs as well, and those will also be helpful for the new raids. These changes make my V2-H fleet I tagged for doing the b set even more potent and valuable to those that manage to get a couple built before the raid.

My biggest complaint is how much time do they think players have to play this game? You will find out that the T5 is going to 350 million points on June 22, 2016. Yes, they are going to increase the points in the 97 so that you have to do the same amount. But, honestly who has that much time to spend doing the weekly each week, grabbing parts for the foundry, grabbing parts to equip turrets. Yeah, they say this is for end game, but who honestly believes that with the numerous changes in the game the last few months that anyone at the end is prepared to keep up? I for one do not want to spend six days at one hour a day hitting the FM targets, and then on top of that have to spend a few hours doing the other stuff.

What happened to lower some chores in the game? As always, would love to read your thoughts in the comments.

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